Friday, May 1, 2009


I've been searching about omega 3 last night for my toddler. And I found out that Omega 3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), are essential to our health.
Symptoms of omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression and poor circulation.

Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish, it contains the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).


  • Taking fish oil (in any form) can help regulate cholesterol in the body
  • Recent studies have suggested that fish oil may reduce the risk of depression, and importantly, suicide risk
  • Omega-3 exerts neuroprotective action in Parkinson's disease. Since Parkinson's is a disease caused by disruption of the dopamine system, this protective effect exhibited could show promise for future research in the prevention of Parkinson's disease.
  • Essential fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive and behavioral function. fish oil may help protect the brain from cognitive problems associated with Alzheimer's disease.[1
  • omega-3 fatty acids could also help delay or prevent the onset of schizophrenia.
  • Several studies report possible anti-cancer effects of n−3 fatty acids found in fish oil (particularly breast, colon and prostate cancer).
  • Children with ADHD may have low levels of certain essential fatty acids including EPA and DHA. In a clinical study of 100 boys, those with lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids had more learning and behavioral issues such as temper tantrums and sleep disturbances, then boys with normal omega 3 fatty acid levels.Another study used omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids supplements in 117 children with ADHD. The study found significant improvements in reading, spelling and behavior over a three months time.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
  • reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body's ability to respond to insulin by stimulating the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism, and is expressed primarily by adipocytes (fat cells) SOURCES OF OMEGA 3
  • fish, such as salmon, tuna, halibut, marine life such as algae, krill,
  • certain plants and nut oils, like flaxseeds and walnuts

During my pregnancy both of my son and daughter I took omega 3, prenatal vitamins and calcium. I also breastfed them for 5 mos (breastmilk is an excellent source of omega for babies). And I give my son fish at 2x a week. I also add flaxseed and wheatbran on his oatmeal for breakfast.



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